mercredi 10 juin 2009

Cornish Dry Stone Walling

The Living Heritage of a Cornish Dry Stone Wall

Stone Walling in Cornwall has a history almost as long as the people who first settled in the region. In line with the other Westerly points of the UK, (Wales, Ireland & Scotland), the demarkation of the plots for basic accommodation and agricultural means were built the easiest way possible. The large amount of stone lying on or close to the surface was readily available and a skill was born in erecting structures. As the skills rapidly developed, it was evident that these very strong structures could be used for more important and significant buildings and structures. Such features are an internationally significant heritage in Cornwall, Brittany, Wales, Ireland and Scotland, (The Celtic Nations) as well as regions in Western France and Spain.

(The above photograph is actually the Bougon Tumuli in Poitou Charentes, thought to be as old as 6500BC).

In Cornwall as the mining industry developed as a result of the dramatic geological variation of the County, the ready supply of stone suitable for all types of construction was constantly available. Very high quality building products were sourced within the County, the Penryn granite and Delabole slate, amongst others. For agricultural purposes the needs for boundaries remained high and a style of Hedge was formed. This was built using stone from on or nearby the land and as such was traditionally the same stone as the bedrock underlying the completed wall or hedge.

The differing styles and patterns were more often than not the result of what stone was available nearby, particularly waste stone or field stones removed to allow for better agricultural practice. There is strong evidence that these walls were often built by the Woman, which allowed for a sometimes more artistic style than the simple practical style which now often prevails.

The style of the walls can always be manipulated and accordingly many added features were incoporated into the designs, usually historically agricultural features from Sheep Pens, Bee Boles, Platforms for Milk Urns etc.,. Nowadays such features can be built to suit the clients desire and as such dry stone walling has enjoyed a rennaisance in Cornwall, replacing Bee Boles for BBQ shelves.

For further enquiries re stone walling please email
and look at our website